
SB Equities is actively seeking additional investment opportunities. We have the ability to underwrite deals that many deem too risky due to tenant credit, lease term or size of the market and will consider single assets as well as portfolios. A guideline of our acquisition criteria is as follows:

  • Size - $3 million to $50 million
  • Type – warehouse, light manufacturing, distribution and flex product
  • Location – primarily Midwest and Southeast but will consider any location
  • Tenancy – single or multi-tenant, investment and non-investment grade

SB Equities will invest its own funds as well as co-invest with joint venture partners, including tenants-in-common. The cornerstones of our success include:

  • Quick and candid responses
  • Certainty of execution and closing
  • Experienced team of real estate professionals
  • Embracement of risk

Submissions should include the following items:

  • Current rent roll, including any future contracted rent increases and any rights to terminate.
  • Income/expense statement for the most current year.
  • Information on any debt in place.
  • Exterior and interior building photos.